It has been a long week. Life is taking punches at some of the people I love the most. I am trying to be a good friend. I can't block the punches for them, but through learning how to block my own, I can be there for them as they learn and get stronger. Problems, even the big ones, have a way of giving us gifts and opportunities. We learn, become stronger, better people if we can be open to what the gift is. It will seem like a whole lot of pain and suffering if we don't. Even the worst possible moments when looked upon in retrospect can be realized as gifts. So in our moments of suffering it might serve us to not judge or be attached to how it seems right then. We can't see the big picture.
A few jobs ago I was managing an outpatient physical therapy clinic for a large corporate chain. When I came back from maternity leave there was an incident with an employee who I stuck up for. The consequence for me was a demotion, as well as transferring me to two separate locations that were further away from my house. I was then supervised by a manager that thought it was okay to use the "F" word when he was angry. I was miserable, devastated, and a brand new mother. It was beyond post-par tum depression. I couldn't understand the actions of the corporate people above me, life was unfair, my self esteem plummeted. And then I got a post card in the mail for a company who was looking for physical therapist partners. My husband suggested I give them a call, what could it hurt. I ended up partnering with that company and opening up three physical therapy offices that I co-owned for the next seven years. That part of my career was a turning point toward independence, confidence and eventually my own private practice which I have now.
I look back on that part of my life often. If the events that devastated me back then hadn't occurred I would have tossed that post card in the trash, not even seen it as an opportunity. I look back on the amount of pain I felt and realize now that I didn't have to feel that way, didn't have to take it so personally, could have just been curious about the "gift", without really knowing what it would be. I believe in that deeply now, and when I am in the worst moments I wonder to myself what will come. Instead of blocking those punches I just slide out of the way and watch them go by. It is easier that way, no impact.
Nice punch!
1 comment:
Great post! It is so unfortunate that we have to be totally devastated in order to learn that we don't need to be totally devastated by total devastation. I'm glad you made it through.
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