Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crushed the Lawn Mower with my Car

Well, I was going to title this "Lack of Awareness" however this new title seems more catchy.  TP cleaned out the garage a little bit over the weekend and one of the things that was going out to the "curb" (these neighborhoods have grass strips, no sidewalks) was an old broken lawn mower.  It went out next to the garbage cans and the recycle bins for Monday morning pick up, only it didn't get picked up.  Once in a while we play "put it out there and see if they take it" roulette and mostly we win at this game, but this week we lost, and there it was all alone on my grass strip in front of the house.

So later that day I had an errand to run before rushing back to the house to take JP to his baseball practice.  I walked down my driveway staring at the old lawn mower that they rejected thinking that I would have to call for a special pick up and got in my car that was parked just behind it.  I then pulled forward into my driveway as usual so that I could turn around and head out Carteret Road...and I drove right over the lawn mower.  Realizing that I drove over it, I panicked and backed up over it too, and ripped my front license plate off the car.  Good news is I have a big enough car that that was the only damage (TP checked the underside of the car when he got home).  Wow, did I just run over the lawn mower?  Yep, yep I did.  Thank goodness this wasn't one of my kid's bikes.  Or the good mower...

I think that some things that we do day to day are so habitual that we do them without thinking.  Ha!  Understatement.  The deformed lawn mower got me thinking about what else I was doing, as routine, that I wasn't thinking about or bringing awareness to.  It got me thinking about what or who I might be running over in the process.

So today I am going to slow down a little and practice more awareness, and try not to run anything over.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

AWESOME! The mower will fit in your car better or perhaps the garbage men will now take it! And, I agree...our actions are so habitual that to stop and take a look at what it is we are doing can be insightful and initiate positive change. I too will practice slowing down to see whom or what I may be running over.