So at a recent get together with some of my taekwondo classmates I over heard something I thought was interesting. When asked what belt they were, many of my friends were saying "Oh I am just a red belt."
Really now, you need to know that getting to the red belt takes a lot of practice, determination, perseverance and dedication. Not everyone makes it to the red belt. In the six years I have been practicing, I have watched people drop out at various stages for various reasons. When you are promoted to your red belt you are in a preparation stage for the black belt. You will focus on what you need to learn for the next bit of time, and believe me, take the time, you will need it! Enjoy every bit of red! It goes so fast and you have heard it before, it is about the journey, not the destination...
So today I want all you red belts (and every other color for that matter) to be totally proud of what you have accomplished. I am proud to know you, to train with you, and to be sharing this awesome sport with you!
Wishing you great kicks!
Oh my goodness. I am (just) a very proud green w/blue stripe. Hardest thing I've ever done physically and I've worked my arse off for it. Nobody is JUST an anything in our class-this stuff is HARD!
:) Amen
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