Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Luck on the Test!

Wanted to wish all of my fellow Gentle East students good luck on your test this week!  I know you will all do great.

1.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate...bring more water/Gatorade then you think you will need and make sure you have eaten a good breakfast with protein the morning of your test.
2.  Get there early to warm up and stretch...you will not get the usual chance to stretch, like in class.
3.  Practice/memorize your fundamental moves, forms, combination kicks so well that you don't have to worry about "thinking" too much during the test.
4.  Pace yourself so that you have energy to break those boards at the end!

I look forward to hearing about your experiences!

Here are some pictures, in random order, of past tests!

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