Thursday, August 4, 2011

Making Space

One of the body awareness techniques I teach people is the idea of making space around an area of tightness or pain.  First you have to feel it, then you can begin to "make space" or soften around it initially letting it get bigger or more expansive so that it eventually dissolves and lets go.  This is a practice that requires one to slow down, quiet the mind and feel, using the body senses to notice what is there first.  Then you can use the idea of making space around it to help it release.

The most normal reaction to pain (emotional or physical) is to clench, tighten or constrict around the area of pain.  Sometimes the whole body reacts this way, like when you have a bad pain in your knee and you catch yourself clenching your jaw in response.  Awareness of it gives you the choice to let it go.  If the tightening remains unconscious we can go on clenching, tightening or constricting for minutes, hours, days or even years.  And that will add up to compression of the joints or other pain sensitive structures in the body over time.

There are many triggers in our lives that will cause this physical tightening response including pain or injury, recent surgery or other trauma, as well as psychological or emotional stress.  What is in the mind is also in the body whether you are conscious of it or not.  So best to be conscious and make some space for it.  You are not necessarily trying or forcing yourself to get rid of what you feel.  The feeling awareness has to come first.  Then you can choose to keep clenching (hard to do once you know you are doing it) or begin to make space and let go, soften and release.  You may at first feel more pain or tightening, but usually this shifts quickly and dissolves.  When we physically let go we make space for energy to flow.  Healthy flow is important.  Pain usually means there is a block in the flow.

All of this awareness stuff takes practice and your relaxed attention.  That means carving out some quiet time, but even practicing "feeling" for a few minutes while you are in the middle of doing something is outstanding.  It is worth any time or attention you give it because this is a path to healing.

Sometimes it is nice to have help at first, a body awareness coach of sorts.  And that is what I have dedicated part of my physical therapy practice to in the last few years.  I invite your calls, emails, questions and comments about it....we are all working on the same healing, each in our own way.

Now breathe and relax.
Watching the horses at the farm pulls me into the moment.
I am mostly "feeling" around them, little thinking.  I watch them chew, breathe, walk, and it makes me feel relaxed.  This is Cory and she is a 1500 lb German warm blood. When you arrive at the fence she comes over from wherever she is in the pasture to meet you.  If you scratch her back, she will scratch yours with her nose!

1 comment:

SLE said...

I enjoyed reading this post. It certainly made sense in my situation. My tightness is in my neck, so I am working on letting it go!