Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have had a few questions about the Traumeel cream that I use for my taekwondo injuries and so I thought I would give you all a bit more info on it.  I started using Traumeel in 1997 when one of my marathon training partners recommended it for sore knees.  I have been using it ever since for various issues, but the best use by far is for bruises (taekwondo).
Traumeel is a homeopathic ointment that is used as an anti-inflammitory and a pain reliever in one.  It has several magical active ingredients, one of which I get the most questions about, called mercurius solubilis.  I emailed a homeopath friend of mine about it and here was her response:

Regarding the ingredient - it is mercury - but it is homeopathic...that means it's been diluted and potentized so that no molecules of the original substance is left.  Many remedies are diluted to the point of comparing it to a drop in the ocean!  Many homeopathic remedies are made from poisons, noxious gases, heavy metals, as well as plants, trees, flowers, etc.  But remedies are so dilute that they are completely safe, non-toxic and have proven efficacy for over 200 years.  As you know they have no side effects and are completely safe even for babies and children, who make up most of my practice.  The Traumeel product is made by a very reputable pharmacy that has been around a very long time.  These topical products and oral remedies are under regulation by the FDA since 1935 and although we can question some of the FDA's decisions, homeopathic remedies is not one.  For a good understanding and to help with this question, visit the National Center for Homeopathy's website:

Kathleen Slonager, RN, DiOM, ADS, AE-C

Traumeel is the best product I have found so far for bruising, or achy/painful muscle areas.
You can find it at places like Whole Foods and Mom's Organic Market.  Please let me know if you have any other questions about it.  And visit Kathleen's website to learn more about Homeopathy!


Shelly said...

Thank you for the info on this! I was unaware of any homeopathic creams for bruising until now. Do you know if the cream is also effective in reducing bruising (or preventing?) prior to surgery? (i.e., any cosmetic procedures?)

Laura Probert M.P.T. said...

It would be great after a surgery or procedure, but just make sure that there are no open or unhealed portions of the wound where you are applying it. Best to ask your doctor to make sure it is okay.
As far as preventative - one of the active ingredients in Traumeel is Arnica Montana. You can purchase this homeopathic remedy in an oral form and take it prior to any procedure when you think there will be swelling involved. You can find this at Whole Foods. My acupuncturist recommended I take it prior to any dental procedure also!